Since September 11th, the world has been taking notice of terrorism. The United States and the coalition against terrorism have launched a campaign against terror that has so far been successful in Afghanistan and Iraq. But the United States still has a long way to go to eliminate terrorism. The United States has begun training the Philippine Army to fight the al-Qaeda linked terrorist group, Abu-Sayaaf. There have been reports of United States considering taking action against North Korea, Syria, Somalia and Iran. But the United States has overlooked and ignored the largest hotspot of terror… Pakistan.
This website will inform you on the terror groups operating from Pakistan. After visiting this site, you must ask yourself, "Is Pakistan really an ally in the war on terror? Or is the U.S. just sleeping with the enemy?"

Pakistanis burning the American flag.

Pakistani Demostrators at an Anti-US demonstration

Pakistani demonstrators calling for jihad against U.S.A.
Pakistanis holding a mock funeral of an American

Pakistanis, allies in the war against terror, setting a US flag on fire